DxO One終於推出支援Android平台版本 iOS版App加入多機連動直播功能

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首圖 除了近期在手機相機評分排名引起關注外,DxO稍早也宣布先前針對iPhone推出的1吋感光元件外接相機DxO One,即將推出採用USB Type-C連接埠且對應Android作業系統版本,預計在11月2日公布具體預覽測試計畫。 目前還無法確認對應Android作業系統版本是否維持與iOS平台版本相同價格,預期將由DxO於後續揭曉,至於硬體規格部分,同樣維持採用2020萬畫素…

8 分鐘前 – 除了近期在手機相機評分排名引起關注外,DxO稍早也宣布先前針對iPhone推出的1吋感光元件外接相機DxO One,即將推出採用USB Type-C連接 …
DxO ONE. Pro Quality Camera. Miniaturized. Connected. Skip Intro. DxO ONE. Discover the #NowCamera … Direct access. *Available for iOS, Soon for Android …
Right now the DxO ONE is designed exclusively for iOS so that we can focus on creating the best possible product experience on one…
2 天前 – DxO Labs launched its first camera hardware more than two years ago. The DxO One is still available for iPhones, bringing with it a 1-inch 20 …
2 天前 – The best compact camera smartphone attachment you can buy is getting an Android version, and a heap of updates for the existing iPhone …
1 天前 – dxo one version 3 update android coming phone camera 720×720 … On Monday, October 16, DxO Mark released version 3.0 of the iOS app …
1 天前 – DxO has announced updates to the DxO One iOS app. The DxO One features a 20mp 1inch BSI CMOS sensor, f/1.8 lens equivalent to 32mm in …
19 小時前 – Up until now, it has only supported the iPhone and iPad, but the company has revealed that it will soon release the DxO One Android via an …
18 小時前 – A price for the DxO One for Android has not yet been specified. One can probably presume that it’ll be the same as the current price for the iOS …
