解鎖比 FaceID 快兩倍!搭載螢幕下方指紋辨識 Clear ID 的手機下個月登場

採用螢幕下方指紋辨識功能的新機,即將在下個月的 CES 2018 消費性電子展亮相啦! 先前曾傳聞蘋果(Apple)iPhone X、三星(Samsung)Galaxy Note8 會採用螢幕下方的指紋辨識方案,藉此解決全尺寸螢幕無法將指紋辨識感應器設置在機身正面的問題,可惜最終沒有成真,不過根據最新的消息指出,首款配備該應用的手機要登場了。 Synaptics 預告將會...


Twenty One Pilots Clear

Twenty One Pilots   Clear
"Clear" I wish that I had two faces to prove which theory works, Yelling on the street corner or cleverly masking your words, I take my face off at the door 'cause I don't know who they will...
