超應景!Google 推出狗年版「Quick, Draw!限時塗鴉」

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首圖 Google 迎接農曆新年,推出狗年版 Google「Quick, Draw!限時塗鴉」,以「狗」為元素,挑選出 6 種與「狗」相關的物品,讓大家能感受到狗年的氣息。 要玩遊戲直接點擊上圖即可 狗年特別版「Quick, Draw!限時塗鴉」已支援繁體中文版等 15 種語言,只要動動手指,在短短 20 秒時間內,描繪出指定的物品,不論是大朋友、小朋…

Can a neural network learn to recognize doodling? Help teach it by adding your
drawings to the world’s largest doodling data set, shared publicly to help with
machine learning research. Let’s Draw! English. English; Arabic; German;
Spanish (Spain); Spanish; French; Italian; Japanese; Korean; Portuguese (Brazil)
A game where a neural net tries to guess what you’re drawing.
Dec 8, 2017 … After Quick, Draw! has captured over a billion doodles, a dataset of 50 million
drawings is now available in BigQuery and Cloud Datastore. … The original
Quick, Draw! game was developed and deployed on App Engine by Jonas
Jongejan on the Google Creative Lab team. App Engine’s flexibility and …
AutoDraw. Fast drawing for everyone. AutoDraw pairs machine learning with
drawings from talented artists to help you draw stuff fast. AutoDraw requires
Javascript. Start Drawing. Fast How-To*. * The faster you click the faster it goes …
Quick, Draw! is an online game developed by Google that challenges players to
draw a picture of an object or idea and then uses a neural network artificial
intelligence to guess what the drawings represent. The AI learns from each
drawing, increasing its ability to guess correctly in the future. The game is similar
to …
Nov 15, 2016 … As part of Google’s slew of artificial intelligence announcements today, the
company is releasing a number of AI web experiments powered by its cloud
services that anyone can go and play with. One — called Quick, Draw! — gives
you a prompt to draw an image of a written word or phrase in under 20 …
May 19, 2017 … Back in November, Google released artificial intelligence experiment that asks
you to draw a random object and see if the neural network can identify your
doodle. Quick, Draw! was eventually turned into a tool that transformed drawings
into clip art based on the best results it got, helping people add a …
See Tweets about #quickdraw on Twitter. See what people are saying and join
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