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首圖 Google在稍早舉辦的Made by Google活動中,再次強調跨入著重人工智慧應用發展,例如近期在Google Maps街景內容中已經開始導入更聰明的物件識別技術,藉此更容易且精準地移除街景中諸如人臉、門牌等敏感資訊,甚至能協助系統預測不同時間的交通流量,同時也能讓Google翻譯以類神經網路強化翻譯精準度,並且再度強調「AI First」的發展方向,因此必須著重軟硬體整合發展,藉此…

Google Home Mini is Google Assistant anywhere you want it. Ask it questions. Tell it to do things. It’s your own Google, always ready to help.
Google Home Mini technical specs, features and dimensions.
8 小時前 – 更廉價、更小巧但依然可愛的迷你版Google Home Mini,正式在該公司今天舉辦的發表會上登場了。就如同上圖,這個更小型化、會透過頂端燈號 …
There are two new Google Home smart speakers you can get. The Mini is little, the Max is big. Do they have a …
9 小時前 – However, that’s all changed at Google’s Pixel 2 launch event, where Google announced the Google Home Mini, a new puck-sized smart …
8 小時前 – There are two new Google Home smart speakers you can get. The Mini is little, the Max is big. Do they have a chance to compete with all the …
4 小時前 – Today, Google showed off its answer to Amazon’s Echo Dot. It’s called the Google Home Mini. It’s $49, comes in three colors and is actually a …
9 小時前 – SAN FRANCISCO—We’re live from Google’s big hardware event, and the latest item to be announced is the Google Home Mini. If Google’s …
8 小時前 – Today, we’re welcoming two new products to the Google Home family: Google Home Mini is small and mighty for hands-free help in every room …
