
投資者包括Oak HC/FT、Tiger Global、Coatue、Stripe、General Catalyst,Target Global和Entree Capital

倫敦和加州山景城2019年10月3日 /美通社/ — 全球金融科技即服務提供商Rapyd今天宣佈獲得新一輪1億美元融資,由Oak HC/FT領投,Tiger Global、Coatue、General Catalyst、Target Global、Stripe和Entree Capital跟投。今年早些時候,Rapyd在B輪融資中籌集到4000萬美元

(從左至右)Rapyd創辦人:Arkady Karpman、Arik Shtilman、Omer Priel

(從左至右)Rapyd創辦人:Arkady Karpman、Arik Shtilman、Omer Priel



Rapyd聯合創辦人兼行政總裁Arik Shtilman表示:「我們很高興與Oak HC/FT、Tiger Global,Coatue以及其他長期投資者取得合作,繼續攜手在全球範圍內構建和提供我們的金融科技即服務平臺。全球商務市場正處於關鍵拐點,企業不得不推出新的應用、處理和接受本地支付方式,發放資金並管理風險和合規性,這樣才能提供高度本地化的客戶體驗,而且無需自己構建基礎設施。我們對當前形勢的預期就是,為了推動在新市場上的增長,企業在全球範圍內都必須採取這些措施。由於全世界超過一半的交易是透過銀行轉帳和現金進行的,商家發現以數碼方式支持本地支付和處理跨境銷售正變得越來越困難,而這些是實現國際擴張的必備條件。」

Oak HC/FT聯合創辦人兼管理合夥人Tricia Kemp說:「隨著金融服務越來越數碼化和全球化,Rapyd的金融科技即服務平臺有著巨大的增長潛力。我們很高興能支持並與Rapyd團隊緊密合作,他們正在透過幫助企業克服本地和跨境數碼支付的複雜性,來應對金融服務領域這一最大的挑戰。」

Tiger Global Management合夥人Scott Shleifer說:「我們很高興成為Rapyd的投資人,我們相信,該公司將幫助全球互聯網公司增強他們在新興市場上受理本地支付的能力。Arik及其帶領的團隊,以及Rapyd建立的差異化平臺,給我們留下了非常深刻的印象。」



  • 能夠在100多個國家和地區受理現金、銀行轉帳、電子錢包和本地借記卡支付;
  • 在170多個國家/地區提供資金發放服務;
  • 支持65種貨幣的多幣種結算信息集中到一個文件裡進行傳輸;
  • 高級實時外匯服務,由於採用先進的外匯對沖技術,確保為客戶及消費者減少成本,提高利潤;
  • 全面的全球客戶審查(KYC,瞭解你的客戶),反洗錢(AML)和反資助恐怖主義(CFT)服務。

About Oak HC/FT

Founded in 2014, Oak HC/FT is the premier venture growth-equity fund investing in Healthcare Information & Services ("HC") and Financial Services Technology ("FT"). With $1.9 billion in assets under management, we are focused on driving transformation in these industries by providing entrepreneurs and companies with strategic counsel, board-level participation, business plan execution and access to our extensive network of industry leaders. Oak HC/FT is headquartered in Greenwich, CT, with offices in Boston and San Francisco. Follow Oak HC/FT on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Medium

About Tiger Global

Tiger Global Management, LLC is an investment firm that deploys capital globally. The firm’s fundamentally oriented investments focus primarily on the global Internet, software, financial technology, consumer and industrial sectors. The private equity strategy has a ten-year investment horizon and targets growth-oriented private companies. Such investments have included JD.com, Flipkart, Spotify, Harry’s, Warby Parker, Peloton, Facebook, LinkedIn, Yandex, Mail.ru Group, Despegar and Ola. The public equity efforts emphasize deep due diligence on individual companies and long-term secular themes. Tiger Global Management, LLC was founded in 2001 and is based in New York with affiliate offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangalore and Melbourne. 

About Rapyd

Rapyd helps businesses create great local commerce experiences anywhere. The world’s most innovative ecommerce, technology firms, and marketplaces utilize our Fintech-as- a-Service platforms: Collect, Disburse, Wallet and Issuing to seamlessly integrate fintech and payment capabilities into their applications. By accessing the Rapyd Global Payment Network, businesses can access over 500 local payment types including bank transfers, ewallets and cash in more than 100 countries. Now ecommerce, technology firms, and marketplaces can focus on growing new markets and reaching billions of consumers rather than building infrastructure. Investors include Oak HC/FT, Tiger Global, General Catalyst, Stripe, Target Global, Coatue, Entree Capital, IGNIA, and TAL Capital. For more information, visit www.rapyd.net.  

圖片 – https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191001/2597166-1?lang=2

引用來源 : PRN Asia
