讓Outlook行事曆與Google Calendar 同步的Google Calendar Sync

首圖 Google Calendar 這東西出來已經有一段時間,當時官方並沒有提供同步的套件,不過在前一陣子Google釋放出Google Calendar Sync同步的套件,讓使用者可以輕易將Outlook的行事曆同步到到Google Calendar 上面。 可能有些人要問為什麼要這樣做呢?舉個…

By importing a snapshot of your Google calendar into Outlook, you can see it alongside other calendars in the Outlook Calendar View. To keep the imported …
When you export your Outlook calendar to Google Calendar, you’re exporting a snapshot of the calendar. Any changes you make to your Outlook calendar won’t …
Offers calendar synchronisation between Outlook and Google, including attendees and reminders. Completely free, no install necessary, works behind web …
2017年4月13日 – Here’s how to set up background synchronization of your Outlook calendar, Google Calendar, and iPhone Calendar.
Now that you’ve switched from Microsoft® Outlook® to G Suite, here are some tips on beginning to use Google Calendar to manage your events. You’ll find …
You can see your Google Calendar events with other computer applications, like Outlook. Sync or view your calendar There are two ways to view your Google …
You can transfer your events from a different calendar application or Google Account to Google Calendar. Note: When you import an event, guests for that event …
2015年8月14日 – If you use Google Calendar but also use Outlook for calendar items as well as email and contacts, you might be looking for a way to keep the …
The Sync to Calendar option helps you meet deadlines by syncing your tasks to Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook, or any calendar that allows you to …
2017年7月18日 – Here’s how to sync Google and Outlook calendars so that events and all the details are in both calendars.
